Organisms, 2012 page 1 go to page 2

Organisms is a playful representation of both the variety that occurs in nature and the possible results of unrestrained genetic engineering. The diversity of species in birds, seeds, fruit and fish inspired the choices in colour, texture and range of materials.100 individual balls are constructed from dried wild flowers from my garden with an assortment of discarded natural and man-made materials.

As a child in Australia I always looked forward to the annual agricultural fairs that displayed fruit, vegetables flowers, pickles and pies. I have long been thinking about a way I could use the bleacher-like shelves in my work. This was the perfect opportunity.


photo: Mark Freeman

Mixed media installation: aerial roots, artificial teeth, banana stalks, Broome stalks, Canola seeds, chicken bones, chopped rubber, copper wire, crab/lobster bands, Cuttle fish, Day Lilly flowers and stalks, discarded plastic, DNA model, Dogwood, dried grass, earth, elastic bands, felt, Eucalypt nuts, Eucalypt seeds, Evening Scented Stocks, felt stoppers, glue, Horsetail, Hosta flower stalks, indoor plant leaves, kelp, kelp floats, Kurrajong seedpods, Larch, leather, lobster antennae, Lotus, Monsterio, moss, mussels, paint, paper mache, pencil crayons, pipettes, plastic stir sticks, pom -poms, Protea leaves, Queen of the Night, Rhubarb seeds, rope, Russian Lilac, sea fan, seaweed, seed pods, Port Jackson shark eggs, shuttle cocks, speaker wire, sponge wands, Spruce, steel pins, steel, telegraph wire, thumb tacks, Tree Fern, Tuckamore twigs, twine, twist ties, Wild Clematis, and Willow.
Dimensions: 48 x 80 x 52 inches

photo: Mark Freeman

photo: Mark Freeman

photo: Mark Freeman

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